We are Industry Experts Delivering client-based solutions, custom configured to fit your needs.
Workflow By Design provides a cloud-based Total Workflow Solution that helps Enterprise teams – from Creative Services to Artwork Production - get products to market faster by bringing structure to chaos while allowing innovation and creativity to flourish. We deliver an automated workflow for the entire lifecycle – from project request, team communication, electronic routing approval, and file release, through archival and reporting. We recognize that ease of use, efficiency, and accountability are paramount to success, and keep this at the center of every implementation. The Total Workflow Solution is flexible allowing each company to undertake as much or as little as they desire at launch. We are a team of industry experts that deliver client-based solutions, custom configured to fit your creative services, marketing, artwork production, and private brand teams.
- 1993
- Creative Origins
- 1995
- Workflow is Born
- 2003
- First Acquisition
- 2005
- Second Acquisition
- 2008
- Independant Launch
- 2012
- Focus and Growth
- 2015
- Welcome Q!
- 2016
- The Future

World-Class Partners We work with the leading software and creative companies
We pride ourselves on working with world-class companies who thrive in both the software and creative industries. We have the flexibility to seamlessly interface with the corporate systems that you have in place making life easier. And, we understand the “day in the life” activities that you must get accomplished - creative brief initiation, chasing dielines, innovative design creation, and tracking the status of a myriad of projects.